Friday, October 19, 2007

Me and my paintbrush . . . .

Now it is time to start painting dear Angela. This is so all of her movement works right and flows. The different colours show the degree in which the bones control the mesh. (I think thats right, I get a little confused) Red is good, and as you fade from one bone to another the colours should start to change into a nice yellow/orange.

This is Angelas' upper right arm.

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Next we have one of her spine bones. I can't remember which one, but you can see all the colours. Even blue!!

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I had to paint most of the verts to get her to move right. Especially her underarm. That just wanted to stay moulded to her ribs, but I fixed it.


Thursday, September 27, 2007

Working with painkillers . . . .

Welcome to my holidays!!!

Nothing interesting happening here. Working allot of nights so I've been sleeping allot during the day, well moreso than usual. Right now I have a headache that is trying to kill me. It's not cool.

So I'm blogging about "402". The audio is done. I'm not happy with it. I don't like it. I don't want to listen to myself and edit it. It's just not something I'm comfortable with. I have a feeling that it's not going to work out at all. I don't know why, it's just a feeling I have.

Have been planning out landscapes and scenery. Shouldn't be too hard. Just need some basic shapes and some nice textures and bump maps. That should suffice. I also need to catch up on one of Ben's classes because apparently we learnt something really cool and I missed it.

Anyway I'm off to find some painkillers. Ciao!!

Friday, September 21, 2007

The script . . . .

VOICE OVER: I woke up like any other morning, accept that this was not like any other morning.

VOICE OVER: A faint nose was ringing in my ears. It sounded like . . . . it sounded like a woman screaming

VOICE OVER: I brushed it aside as ringing in my ears and headed down to “Harbours” to drink my morning coffee.

VOICE OVER: My head was killing me

Sitting in Harbours.

VOICE OVER: 2 cups later and my headache continued, so did the ringing. Only now it was clearer. Louder. So I followed it. What else was I supposed to do?

Walking down the street.

VOICE OVER: I wasn’t sure where I was going. I was just following a noise in my head. Crazy huh?

Angela’s shoe breaks

ANGELA: “Ah, damn it. Well that’s just great”

ANGELA: “Stupid shoes”

Man walks past and steals Angela’s handbag.



Angela chases the man down an alleyway.

ANGELA: “What? Where is he? I’m sure he came down here”

ANGELA: “Damn it”

ANGELA: “I hope it was worth the 35cents jerk”

Angela throws the shoes into a rubbish bin.

VOICE OVER: I loved those shoes

VOICE OVER: Then I started to doubt myself

ANGELA: “Am I really hearing this? Was it really screaming? Was it really anything at all?”

Walking in the park.

VOICE OVER: That’s when I gave up. That when I decided to go home

VOICE OVER: But the screaming, that wouldn’t give up. I could still hear it.

Dog’s point of view, running towards Angela.

ANGELA: “Nooooooooo”

Standing up and walking away.

ANGELA: “Great, as if my day could get any worse”

Walking up the front steps.

VOICE OVER: My head was still killing me

ANGELA: “Why is it so loud?! What is going on?!”

Angela is now inside her apartment building.

** Gasp **

ANGELA: Whispers “Shes here!!”

Running up the stairs.

ANGELA: “I’ll help you!! Just hold on!!”

Running towards the door.

ANGELA: “I’ll call emergency!! Just hold on!!”

Door opens.

ANGELA: “Oh god”

VOICE OVER: And that’s when I remembered . . . . .

VOICE OVER: I remembered Mike . . . . .

VOICE OVER: Mike . . . . .

VOICE OVER: And how he didn’t want the baby.

Falling over

ANGELA: “Get away from me”

ANGELA: “No Mike stop”

Crawling and getting up

ANGELA: “Please”

Standing in the corner

ANGELA: “Please Mike no”

Backing down into the corner.

ANGELA: “Please don’t do this”

Heavy breathing and blackness.

ANGELA: “Please”

Glass shattering and Angela screaming.

** Thud **


Now entering UT . . . .

I have done it!! Angela has entered into the world of UT!!

This is just a test, the envelops and things like that haven't been done properly yet. I just wanted to make sure that she can work in UT and is the right size. And she is!!

Whoo Hoo!!

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Yay for me!!

Friday, September 14, 2007

It doesn't matter if you are black or white . . . .

Here are some more images as I progress with Angela.

I'm seeing her as alive now.

Makes me kinda feel like an evil professor creating some sort of Frankenstien. *giggles*

Let me know what you think.

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Monday, September 10, 2007

Chani is a moron . . . .

Yeah so I have been doing my textures for Angela in 3D.

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Pretty hot right? I thought so, but it turns out that i'm a freaking moron. Why you ask? Because I saved them as jpegs. Doesn't sound so bad right? Since you need the texture to be a jpeg in 3DsMax. I haven't finished it yet and because I saved it as a jpeg and not a psd I have lost my layers. Not freaking cool man. Not freaking cool at all. So I'm going to try and salvage as much as I have because I'm not going to start again.


Thursday, September 6, 2007

Horray for YouTube . . . .

I was able to upload my animatic to

Hopefully this will now work.
