Saturday, August 18, 2007

Everyone has their own story . . . .

Things just seem to be piling up on top of me lately, but don't worry I'll be fine. Now it's time to tackle that backstory.

Angela is pregnant, which is quite obivious if you've paid attention and looked at my images. Before she became pregnant our dear Angela was a secretary for a small building corporation. She was also dating Mike. After losing her job for falling pregnant and Mike leaving for the same reason the future didn't seem all that bright for her. Fortunately she is getting by with the help of her parents and the few friends she has. She believes her baby will bring more meaning to her life.

She is a simple girl who lives her life via small daily routines. Everyday she wakes at 8am. Everyday she walks down to Hubel's for a coffee and sandwich at 11am. She does her weekly shopping on Thursdays and walks everywhere she goes. She has no pets for she is alergic, but thinks about getting a goldfish. She would call it William.

For now I think that shall do. It's not much but hopefully it will give you a better understanding about Angela.

I've also just been hit for something else to add in right at the end which will make these facts work better with each other.

I would also just like to say Congratulations to Lisa!! :)

1 comment:

black aeonium said...

Thanks! And keep up the good work. I look forward to seeing more pics from the development. Lisa